Pleasant Hope Elementary will host our annual Community Service Day in May. On this day PreK-4th grade students volunteer around our community. We are seeking ideas. Please complete the form below if you have any ideas.
In the past we have:
Painted exterior surfaces for community buildings
Planted flowers for community/ business spaces.
Delivered colored pictures and potted flowers to the senior housing center.
Toured and given thank you to community members - (Volunteer Fire Department, City Hall/ Police Station, PHR6 School Board)
Picked up trash
Potted flowers for businesses
These are just few ways our students have volunteered in the community. This gives them pride and ownership in our town. If you own a business and need some help or have any ideas of how we can volunteer please share. We appreciate your support!
Link: https://forms.gle/KHnuz2MTtquCj8weA

Today PHES/PHMS preformed at our 1st Annual GOC Elementary Honor Choir. Our students are amazing! Huge thank you to Ms Dale!

The Pirates hosted the Panthers tonight for PHR6 Alumni Night. MCE won but the Pirates fought till the end. Congratulations to our cheerleaders for bringing home a trophy from the MCE Tournament. Thank you alumni and fans for supporting our student athletes tonight. Pirate Strong!!

Check out the February High School Newsletter.

Any of your kids suffering from the cold and flu bugs going around? Here are some tips and information from the American Academy of Pediatrics on keeping your child comfortable during this cold and flu season. https://www.aap.org/en/news-room/news-releases/health--safety-tips/american-academy-of-pediatrics-offers-tips-for-keeping-children-comfortable-during-cold-flu-season/

Good morning seniors! Please make sure your $40 for senior trip is paid by tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Money needs to be paid by this time in order to confirm how many tickets we need to purchase for the KC Zoo.

Agriculture students learn how to texture soil and the effects it has on crops and building construction.

2025 Alumni Night
HS Boys and Girls Basketball
Friday, January 31, 2025, 5:00 pm
VS Marion C Early

Cold and Flu season is officially upon us! We are seeing a lot of illness across the district. In order to prevent the spread of illness please be mindful to keep your child home if they are sick. District policy is to keep your student home if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
• Elevated temperature (greater than 100.0 degrees)
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Any symptoms related to contagious disease (ex. Skin rash, red and/or draining
eyes, persistent cough)
A student must be without fever for 24 hours (without taking fever-reducing medicine) before returning to school. A student who is on antibiotics needs to be on their medication 24 hours before returning to school. Thank you all for doing your part to keep our school healthy!

The January PHR6 Connection is ready to view!

Courtwarming 2025 was held Friday, January 24, 2025.
The candidates were:
Madison Harris and Johnathan Raylyanu,
Madison Young and Case Klotz,
Felix Sherwood and Gavin Crawford,
Skylar Creasey and Ayden Stevens,
Brianna Giffin and Oliver Ackels,
Arwen Mehl and Turner Alexander,
Jessica Orum and Landon Keck,
Carly Schroeder and Tyler Ginnings,
Lakota Partin and Charles Hutcherson,
Courtwarming Prince Ayden Stevens, Courwarming Princess: Arwen Mehl,
Courtwarming Queen: Brianna Giffin, Courtwarming King: Jonathan Raylyanu

Pirate Nation,
Just a reminder: Pleasant Hope Schools WILL BE in session TOMORROW, Monday, January 27th for a snow make-up day. Pleasant Hope Elementary will run on a "Tuesday" schedule. The Exceptional Pupil Cooperative, i.e. EPCO WILL NOT be in session on Monday.

Pleasant Hope Boys Basketball defeats Billings in overtime 60-57

Pleasant Hope JV boys fall to Billings 67 - 16

Pirate Nation,
Due to a technical issue, TONIGHT's basketball games are being moved from the middle school to the high school gymnasium; High School Boys Basketball vs Billings & the Courtwarming activities will now be at the Pleasant Hope High School Gym. The first game starts at 6:00 p.m.

https://secure.smore.com/n/6bhmq3 Use this link to check out what's happening at PHMS next week. See you all on Monday! Stay warm and get well soon if you are under the weather.

Pirate Nation,
Just a reminder: Pleasant Hope Schools WILL BE in session on Monday, January 27th for a snow make-up day. Pleasant Hope Elementary will run on a "Tuesday" schedule. The Exceptional Pupil Cooperative, i.e. EPCO WILL NOT be in session on Monday.

High School Boys Basketball vs Billings / Courtwarming will be at the middle school gym, Friday, January 24, 2025. First game starts at 6:00 pm

The Boys Basketball game scheduled for tonight at Aurora Christian Academy has been canceled. We are working on a makeup date.