Pirate Football Update
over 5 years ago, Kelly Lowe
Lockwood up early 20-1 in first quarter
Football tonight
over 5 years ago, Kelly Lowe
Getting ready for Lockwood
Brianna Giffin showing her school spirit!
over 5 years ago, David Dilley
Proud to be a pirate!
Mrs. Jezek's class used Life Skills time to learn how factories make apple juice, practice measuring ingredients (which came with a treat of cooked apples) and create some artwork.
over 5 years ago, Sadie Jezek
Ethylene is a growth hormone in apples!
They took turns measuring ingredients for our treat!
Pleasant Hope Volleyball defeats Lockwood tonight in straight sets.
over 5 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
It was a great day to recognize the achievements of our students at our fall pep assembly.
over 5 years ago, Lance Gallamore
Volleyball team
Cross-country team
Cheer leading stunt
Football players
This year Mrs. Crosby implemented learning menus as a part of the math curriculum for her seventh grade students at the Ranch School. They get to choose how they learn and they show their learning progress. So far, the boys have positive feedback, and are active and engaged!
over 5 years ago, Shaundra Ingram
Ranch School - 7th Grade Math
Ranch School - Mrs. Crosby's Learning Menu
Teacher Trivia Assembly at Pleasant Hope High School today
over 5 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
Today is Grandparents Day
over 5 years ago, Jessica Johnson
Please come join PHES as we celebrate our Grandparents.
5th graders touch keyboarding with edutyping
over 5 years ago, Scott Wolf
Students typing
Preschool learning about shapes and animals while mastering drag and drop mouse skills in computer lab.
over 5 years ago, Christie Good
High School Girls Cross Country competing at Stockton Invite today
over 5 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
High School Boys Cross Country Runners in action in Stockton today
over 5 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
Middle School Cross Country Runners in action today at Stockton!!!!
over 5 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
PHES Grandparents Day - Thursday
over 5 years ago, Jessica Johnson
Grandparents Day Information
Pleasant Hope Volleyballers in Action today at Thom’s Jefferson tourney
over 5 years ago, Brent Offerdahl
Today 8th graders had an opportunity to learn about the variety of healthcare careers offered by OTC’s Allied Health program!
over 5 years ago, Melissa Huechteman
Students putting on hospital gown.
Students listening to speaker.
Congrats to Abigail Fitzlaff on being selected as Pirate of the Week at the middle school!
over 5 years ago, Lance Gallamore
Abigail holding Pirate of the Week award
First grade pirates are walking the plank in addition today!
over 5 years ago, Rebecca Preston
Pirates are walking the plank in addition for Pirate Day!
PTO Movie Night Tonight - don’t forget.
over 5 years ago, Jessica Johnson
Tonight, PTO Movie Night